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Donations to the Dora Weiner Foundation may be sent to our address listed below. Checks and money orders should be made payable to Dora Weiner Foundation. Donations from countries other than the United States should be in the form of checks or money orders in US dollars drawn on US banks.


Dora Weiner Foundation
P.O. Box 10032
Staten Island, NY 10301-0032


For credit card or paypal donations click the donation button below.

If you have any question please contact the Dora Weiner Foundtion.

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The DWF site is a historical archive. With the exception of this message no content has been altered or changed in any manner. Many links will no longer work, most email addresses and phone numbers are outdated (unless you have access to a time machine that connects with the 2000s). For a present-day organization based upon similar concepts (circa 2015) you may want to try visiting GITA.

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